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                  Assicurazioni Generali
Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A, build in 1831, is the Assicurazioni Generali Group’s parent company. The Group operating in more than 60 countries, is an international brand with supremacy in Western
Central, and Eastern Europe. The Generali Group’s prime focus has been life insurance, offering miscellaneous products from family protection and savings polices to unit-linked insurance plans.
The Generali Group is not only a market leader in Italy, but is also famous as a major player in the field of global insurance and financial outputs. It offers an equally diverse range of products in the non-life segment such as coverage of car, home, accident, and health, along with coverage of commercial and industrial risk.

The group employs around 77,000 and a client base of 65 million people worldwide. The group wrote premium worth 66 billion euro 32 percent property and casualty premium and 68 The Generali Group is not only a market leader in Italy, but is also famous as a major player in the field of global insurance and financial outputs. life premiums. The group reported net operating  income of 4.3 billion euro in 2013.

Generali US Branch, Address

250 Greenwich St # 33, New York, NY 10007, United States

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