My site is all about insurance, all type of lawyer(Injury Lawyer ,Attorney ,Legal Information) , loan Car Donate(Donate Car to Charity) & cheap car insurance information
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                             Munich Re Group

Munich Re Group which was build in 1880 operates in all ranks of insurance and has a presence in 30 countries, with spotlight on Asia and Europe.
The company’s primary insurance activities are carried out by its subsidiary Health, which parlays the group’s risk-management and insurance know-how into the health care sector., ERGO Insurance Group, which presents a inclusive range of insurance, services, and provision. Munich Re Group's home market is Germany, where ERGO leads in all areas of insurance. The Group has a new arm, Munich The group explores with approximately 45,000 employees worldwide, working in all property-casualty business, marine reinsurance, aviation reinsurance, and fire reinsurance.businesses of insurance: life reinsurance, health reinsurance, accident reinsurance, liability business, motor reinsurance,  The Munich Re Group posted a revenue of  3.3 billion Euro on premium income of  51.5 billion Euro in 2013

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