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Posted by jam loop on 03:51:00
American National Insurance Company (ANICO) is a discriminating American security affiliation masterminded in Galveston, Texas. The affiliation and its aides work in every one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa.American National was developed in 1905 by Galveston operators William Lewis Moody, Jr. Today the affiliation offers a wide pack of security things and associations including life scope, annuities, well being certification, property and trouble protection, credit protection, and points of interest approach associations. Through its partner, ANREM, the affiliation set up and added to the wide scale hotel change, South Shore Harbor, in League City, Texas.

In spite of the way that a traded on an open business division affiliation, a substantial bit of the stock keeps being controlled by the Moody family through the Moody Foundation and Libby Sh earn Moody Trust, which are composed by the trust branch of the family ensured Moody National Bank.American National is committed to security regulation and examination by each of the 50 states and furthermore government segments like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Federal Trade Commission. Moreover, its records are inspected by KPMG and besides the major budgetary rating affiliations. The assessments mirror the affiliation's ensuring, working execution and liquidity. American National was recorded in Forbes Magazine in its "100 Most Trustworthy Companies" list for 2009.

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