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Posted by jam loop on 05:22:00
Unless you are living off of the grid, you need to have someone provide you with electricity. Now here in Texas, we can choose who that provider is. We met some basic usage criteria that made us a decent candidate for saving a good bit of money on our monthly electric bill. We have a barn and detached garage along with a big house and a couple of outbuildings. Everything has electricity running to it. We use way over 1,000 kilowatt hours per month. I looked at to see what we could save. In July the AC burns up a lot of that 1,000 plus kilowatt hours at the house in no time. We have outside lights that stay burning all night too. The street lamp type that are very bright. My air compressor in the garage is on a 220 volt circuit.
We needed to get a lower per kilowatt hour rate for electricity. For how much we use, the savings was substantial compared to what we were paying with our old provider. I am not against having a commitment to a term either. If the savings is good, I can sign on for a year or so. I do, however, take the time to read the fine print. We are not going to be dropping below any minimum usage limits to have any extra fees, so that is not a problem. My friend who never runs his AC unless it is boiling would have several months at his small apartment where he would not use enough electricity to save with our provider. It all depends on how much electricity you use as to which provider you should go with. The more you use, the more those couple of cents off per kilowatt hour on your bill add up.

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